Alan and Jim spend some quality time talking about the Shiny New Toy problem (SNTS) in software development. The tendency for software teams to pin their hopes and dreams on leading edge technology that will solve all of their problems.
Read MoreJim and Alan spend a fast hour talking about technical debt. It's everything that a CEO or Founder needs to know about technical debt -- and how to start paying it down.
Read MoreJim and Alan talk about the Cloud. Private clouds versus public clouds. Should you ditch your own server room and move everything to the Cloud?
Read MoreJim and Alan discuss the history and details of exchanging data between companies and applications. Email might be the easiest and quickest technique, but find out what it's not very secure or reliable. Learn about the differences between FTP (not very secure) and SFTP (pretty darn secure) and whether DropBox, Box or Amazon's S3 is a reasonable option
Read MoreJim talks with Alan, Simon and Tiago about the myth of the full stack developer. Alan plays the role of the database and webservices architect. Simon is the user interface and client-side maven and Tiago is our resident network, security and back-end guru.
Read MoreJim and Alan talk about the technology trends for 2016. What's on the rise? What technology is falling out of favor? What will be the most hyped technology in 2016?
Read MoreJim spends a fast hour talking with the Developertown crew about all things mobile. Should you develop native iOS and Android applications? Is it better to standardize on responsive HTML5 solutions? PhoneGap vs. Xamarin?
Read MoreCass Gunderson was at ParkerGale as an Associate so we check in with her about how she landed the job, what she did before she joined us and talk about her early reactions to the new job.
Read MoreSecond part of our two-episode series on the Operating Partner role in private equity. In this second episode Devin and Jim talk about engaging with the portfolio companies and their management teams on projects and initiatives.
Read MoreFirst part of a two-part episode focused on the vaunted Operating Partner role in private equity. In the first part, Devin talks to Jim about his experiences as an operating partner within a private equity group -- dealing with the other partners, working on deal teams, etc.
Read MoreThe last of a four-part series. Jim talks with Kamela Arya about the most common mistakes that companies make when implementing
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